- hand out
- to give, to distribute
выдавать, раздавать
Twice a week she helps to hand out blankets and clothes to homeless people.
English-Russian mini useful dictionary. 2014.
Twice a week she helps to hand out blankets and clothes to homeless people.
English-Russian mini useful dictionary. 2014.
Hand-out — auch: Hand|out 〈[hæ̣ndaʊt] n. 15〉 Arbeitspapier (bei Vorträgen, Konferenzen o. Ä.) [engl., „Erklärung, Werbezettel“] * * * Hand|out, Hand out [ hɛnt|a̮ut ], das; s, s [engl. handout, zu: to hand out = aus , verteilen]: an Teilnehmer einer Tagung … Universal-Lexikon
hand|out — «HAND OWT», noun. Informal. 1. a portion of food, clothing, or money given out: »The beggar asked for a handout. SYNONYM(S): dole. 2. a news story or piece of publicity issued to the press by a business organization, government agency, etc.: »The … Useful english dictionary
hand-out — (n.) also handout, hand out, alms or food given to a beggar, 1882, hobo slang, from HAND (Cf. hand) (v.) + OUT (Cf. out). Meaning distributed printed informational matter is from 1927 … Etymology dictionary
Hand-out — auch: Hand|out 〈[hæ̣ndaʊt] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 Arbeitspapier (bei Vorträgen, Konferenzen o. Ä.) [Etym.: engl., »Erklärung, Werbezettel«] Hand out / Handout: (Schreibung mit Bindestrich) Zusammensetzungen, die aus substantivisch gebrauchten… … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
hand out — [v] give to others bestow, deal out, deliver, devote, disburse, dish out, dispense, disseminate, distribute, donate, give away, give out, hand over, mete, present, provide; concepts 108,140 Ant. receive, take … New thesaurus
hand out — (something) to give something to each person present. Would you please hand out the balloons to the children? … New idioms dictionary
hand out — ► hand out distribute among a group. Main Entry: ↑hand … English terms dictionary
hand out — index allocate, bestow, convey (transfer), disburse (distribute), dispense, dole, endow … Law dictionary
Hand-out — 1.Thesenpapier,Arbeitspapier,Informationsblatt,Schriftstück,Dokument,Skript,Manuskript,Paper,schriftlicheAusarbeitung 2.Flugblatt,Handzettel,Flyer,Flugzettel … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
Hand-out — [ hɛndaut] das; s, s; eine oder mehrere Seiten mit kurzen Informationen, besonders für die Teilnehmer eines Kurses, Seminars o.Ä … Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache
hand out — verb give to several people (Freq. 5) The teacher handed out the exams • Syn: ↑distribute, ↑give out, ↑pass out • Derivationally related forms: ↑distributive (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary